Friday, January 18, 2013

Part One


Before i come to the title of this post, i would like to tell that whatever i am going to write is a genuine work and there is no plagiarism. Its all based upon my personal research. I found this very interesting and something worth knowing. I read several books and articles, searched websites until i got answer to all the questions aroused in my mind. I am sure many of you already knows about it, for those who do not, its something they must know. It is a very vast topic to cover in one post as it has many branches and aspects that is why i am going to make it in a series of posts. I have tried to make it  logical. Hope you will like it.


The term 'New World Order' refers to a conspiracy in which rich and powerful people which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite(people of this group) wants to reduce the world population by two third and create a 'One world Government'. That means there will be no government or laws inside a country, the matters of all the countries will be controlled by One World Government and the nationalistic, regional and religious boundaries will be stripped off.
       They intend to reduce the world population by two third and take total and complete control over human beings and all kinds of resources.
This conspiracy is still unknown to many people.It is because we have been continually brain-washed by media infact it is a part of NWO program to brainwash people in many ways to make their work easy.
Our mind works very much in a way they want it to. when we first hear such things, our mind instantly rejects it by disbelieving and terminates without figuring it out.  In reality it is a very carefully crafted and scriptured propaganda designed to get desirable behavior from public. Media plays major role in it.  
 Now you must be thinking that how they are doing it or who are people behind it? well all your questions will be answered later in detail with logics.


NWO has been pretty much successful in their agenda so far. Just for better understanding, here are some shortlisted, most significant goals they want to achieve.
  • Reduce world's population by two third.
  • Take total control over the world.
  • Make other nations their debt slaves.
  • Make others(who are not part of them) really poor.
  • Increase the gap between poor(others) and other rich(themselves) so that all poors would be on their mercy.
  • Spreading social evils through media. 
  • The major blocs will be USA, Canada, Mexico, Israel, South Ameria, Europe, Middle East and Wealthy Nations of Asia
  • All nation's sovereignty will be subservient to orders and powers of regional government. The heads of this government will answer to supreme council.
  • Control the minds of people and make people so use to their ways that they finally accept their awaited leader as God.
(We will discuss that "awaited leader" later because it would be hard to grasp everything at once)
The current events that are happening in the world clearly indicates that there is a conspiracy a big plan behind. Why is it that the world is being divided into The western countries and the third world countries?
Why is that they have all and  best luxuries and they becoming economically stronger day by day where as third world countries are getting poorer? Why are there wars and terrorism and killing of innocent people and then they are accusing Islam for being a terrorist religion. Dressing doesn't proves the religion of a terrorist who knows what is their religion and who they work for?
  We certainly don't have lack of talent then why are they not letting us develop? Why are there food crises and those rich countries cannot help? Why UNO is so helpless to stop Israel for killing innocent human beings ? Why does USA acts like the Father of all countries. Aren't all these things indicating that we are going towards one world government?
That is all for now. Thanks for reading. We will resume the topic in our next posts and will enlighten all the aspects . Its going to be more interesting I'll make sure it doesn't gets boring. Stay tuned.


  1. Assalam o alaikum wr wb
    maha very nice efforts .... your way of explaining your views is quiet interesting :)
    Stay blessed

  2. its better to post all these posts in a single blog ... that will be more convenient to the readers Jazakillah khair for sharing

    1. Its going to be like a series that is why i created another separate blog for it.

  3. very nice mashAllah... Allah bless you. very weldone
